Friday, October 17, 2008

1/2 Way There! my 100-mile goal, that is! Today I ran a meager 3 miles at the gym. I didn't want to work too hard since I have my 10k tomorrow. I'm now at 53.11 miles for the month. Woo hoo! I don't know that I'll get to the 100 miles, though, since I start my 1/2 marathon training Monday, and the first few weeks don't call for as high of mileage.

As I ran today, I watched "Spiderman" on tv. Well, actually, I pretty much watched commercials since every two minutes another one came on. But what I saw of the movie was pretty good.

Tonight I'm going out with girls from high school. I'm so stoked to get out of the house and away from the kids for I love them and all, but it sure is nice to be able to hang out with girls and talk about whatever we want, eat as slow as I want, and only have to worry about feeding myself. We're meeting at a Mexican restaurant, though. Not the best choice for the night before my race. We all know what Mexican food does to your tummy, and I don't really want to be in mile 4 and having to make a pit stop on the side of the road...

So, tomorrow's the big day! I really really really want to break 60 minutes on my time!