Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ho Hum...

Today was one of those mornings where I asked myself, "Why am I doing this to myself??"
Got to bed at 9:00 (yay!), fell asleep quickly and slept DEEP until 1:45 when I woke up to Boy #2 crying because he had a pee pee accident in bed. By the time I got him and the bedding changed, I was wide awake. Not good. All I could think about was that I only had 3 more hours until I needed to get out of bed to run. I pretty much laid awake for the rest of the night, woken a couple other times by Boy #1 and Girl #1.

Other womanly issues awaited me bright and early, and it was a morning that if I would have had Amber's cell phone number, I may have called to cancel. Maybe I shouldn't get that number from her after all...I had no way out of my run since I didn't want to call her house and wake her family up. I had to buck up and suffer through it. My knees are still having issues from yesterday's 5-miler at the gym. Have I ever mentioned how running 5 miles on a treadmill is pretty much like running 10 miles outside? Maybe worse? I know, I shouldn't complain. I mean, I'm lucky that I can go to the gym and get a break from the kids while I zone out watching Regis and Kelly. But really, were we meant to run endless amounts of time without getting anywhere? Seems like some kind of weird conspiracy to me...

I feel better now that I'm showered and am drinking a cup of coffee. I only drink it on the days I run, and boy do I look forward to it. There's something about sitting down and drinking a warm cup o' joe after a run outside in the cold...

On a side note, I'm considering still running the Davis Stampede 1/2 marathon in February without Amber. I feel terrible, because I don't want to do it without her, but I'm worried my knees may not make it until May running long runs every week for 6 months. At least if I do the one in February, I can taper off for a month or so, and then gradually work back up for the event in May. I'm looking for someone to run it with me, though...I'm scared to do it by myself! I need someone to talk to so I can keep my mind off of the miles I run.


Robin said...

Sounds like you are doing great with the running, 10.3 miles terrific!! Love the new shoes (you have very small feet by the look of it). I really like the running socks too, I find they make a huge difference. I bought some winter ones and ran through puddles and they abosorbed all the water, couldn't believe it!!

Shelley said...

Look at you go! I've heard once that if you can do a 10 mile run you are ready for a half - the adrenaline will get you through the last 3. My first half I had only done one 10 miler before I ran it and I did fine.

If your half isn't until Feb then you can probably get away with backing off your mileage for a while to let your knees recover. That is the best lesson I've learned is pushing through your injuries doesn't work...let them heal with rest!

Good job!