Saturday, November 22, 2008


The training schedule called for 8 miles today, but we ended up doing 9.1 instead. =) Amber picked a beautiful run in Newcastle that was a great balance between gentle slopes and a few killer hills. This morning was the first time the cold weather seemed to affect me at all. It was a cold, crisp morning, and the cold air seemed to freeze my insides. =) After the first few miles, I didn't notice the burning anymore, but I still notice the wheezing a bit now that I'm home.

Knees did pretty good today...around mile 7 or 8 they pulled their same ol' protest, and we walked for about 30 seconds so I could give them a little break. It really irritates me...I hate to make Amber stop, and we're always on the home stretch when I feel like I need to just give them a break so they don't completely go out on me. But, at least it's not happening at mile 4 & 5 like it was before...maybe that's a good sign?

I was limping when I got home, but after stretching and eating breakfast with my cup o' joe, they felt great. Now that it's a few hours later, though, I'm thinking it would be beneficial for me to take an Ibuprofen...I feel the burning in my kneecaps coming on, and I don't want to repeat what happened a few weeks ago. I think Ibuprofen and I are forming a special bond. So, I'm off to pop a pill and maybe ice up a bit...


Robin said...

Wow looks like a really nice setting to run in! If your knees are still hurting you should check into your running shoes. Unless there's something wrong with your knees, they shouldn't hurt when you run if you have the right shoes on. I went to a Running store to buy mine. They look at your feet, watch you run etc. to fund the right shoes. Since I bought the ones I have now, no pain (I was having an achilles bursa injury in my old shoes).

Shanti said...

hey, there, robin! yeah, my knees have always been a problem when running. they are a lot better since i started taking glucosamine, but they are just an ailmant, i suppose. i'm on my 3rd pair of great running shoes--i also purchased mine from a running store, and i love them, i think i just have to work around my knee pain...